Freelancer Do’s & Don’ts

the bench is proud to work with talented freelancers from around the world. This has allowed us to compare a lot of work and have great conversations…
Solutions for All Industries

Utilizing the bench platform means a number of things for your enterprise. Your company can create a proprietary stable of on-demand staff…
Freelancer Resource Guide

Taking the leap to freelancing can be a scary one, which is why we’ve put together a list of our top resources to help our freelance talent be the most successful…
Calculating A Freelancer Rate

The objective here is to calculate how to keep your current lifestyle while working as a freelancer. To compare apples to apples, create a spreadsheet…
Welcome to the bench

the bench was created as a way to break the mold from traditional marketing agencies. Our founders, noticed issues with broken processes, sub-optimal…
Celebrating Two Years

History of The Bench By Jennifer Houston and Sarah Musgrove How it all began. On a rainy morning in January of 2018, ex-coworkers…
Top 5 Digital Trends

Over the past couple of years, we’ve started to see a big transformation in how social media is utilized. With more people and brands online than ever before…